Wednesday, September 29, 2010

First Post

This blog will be about learning Russian.  First some simple phrases:

"Привет" (pri-vyet) ... "Hello!"

"Как тебя зовут?" (kak tebya zavoot) ... "What's your name?"

"Меня зовут ..." (menya zavoot) ... "My name is..."

"Приятно знакомиться" (priyatna znakomitsya) ... "Nice to meet you"

"Доброе утро" (dobraye ootra) ... "Good morning"

"Добрый вечер" (dobri vyecher) ... "Good evening"

"Спокойной ночи" (spakoinoi nochi) ... "Good night"


  1. Приятно знакомиться

    I love how Russian sounds, although I guess I prefer Polish. Will be checking this out more. Might help with Russian space news! Always wondered what the sides of their rockets said.

  2. Took a Russian class in college. It's hard! mostly because of all the subtle differences in letter sounds, (sh and shsh for example) not to mention genders, formal and informal, gah.

    Eager to learn though. Perhaps videos with pronunciation? I'ts almost impossible for a non native speaker to get it right just reading.
